Milí přátelé,
Zdravím Vás z jižních Čech, přikládám foto. Teď jsem byl nemocný, ale už je mi lépe. Pracuji zde online, zde jsou mé novinky:
Networking Mastermind pro Podnikatele
Proběhl krásný networking mastermind pro podnikatele, záznam je zde:
Příští je ve čtvrtek, 18. července, 10:45–11:45 AM, stojí 330 Kč. Registrační link pošlu na vyžádání.
Pokračuji v podcastech, proklikáte se na ně na linku výše, když kliknete na název mého kanálu. Pokud chcete se mnou natočit váš příběh, stojí to 330 Kč, napište.
Komunita Podnikatelů
Pokud chcete vstoupit do komunity podnikatelů, kde můžete navazovat přátelství a získávat zakázky, kontaktujte mě. Cena je 2000 Kč ročně.
Výuka Angličtiny a Češtiny
Stále učím angličtinu a češtinu, cena je stále 330 Kč za asynchronní hybridní hodinu (úkoly, materiály, face-to-face online).
Virtuální Káva
Pokud se chcete jen sejít na virtuální kávu, zarezervujte si termín zde:
Greetings from South Bohemia, I’m attaching a photo. I was sick recently, but I’m feeling better now. I’m working online here, and here are my updates:
Networking Mastermind for Entrepreneurs
There was a beautiful networking mastermind for entrepreneurs, the recording is here:
The next one is on Wednesday July 17th, 10:45–11:45 AM, it costs 13eur/usd. I will send the registration link upon request.
I’m continuing with podcasts, you can click on them via the link above by clicking on the name of my channel. If you want to record your story with me, it costs 13eur/usd, write to me.
Entrepreneur Community
If you want to join a community of entrepreneurs where you can make friends and gain contracts, contact me. The cost is 80eur/usd per year.
Teaching English and Czech
I’m still teaching English and Czech, the price is still 13eur/usd for an asynchronous hybrid lesson (assignments, materials, face-to-face online).
Virtual Coffee
If you just want to meet for a virtual coffee, you can book a time here:
Dear beloved
This below explains what it means by Community Health Empowerment Ministry-Diocese of Kinkiizi
The Community Health Empowerment Ministry Partnership Uganda (CHE-M) is formed on effective Development and reduction of vulnerability among the suffering Community Members as a result of lack of basic needs and poverty and hunger in particular. Some families eat once a day and seeing on their faces, you notice that they have palled skin because of poor feeding and poor health.
Therefore Community Health Empowerment Ministry partnership Uganda-Diocese of Kinkiizi will ensure Complete Community Based platform to advance the effectiveness of development efforts by all actors, to deliver results that are long-lasting and contribute to the achievements of the sustainable development goals (SDGs). This uses the Community Health Empowerment Ministry-groups which are already in existence.
The work of the Community Health Empowerment Ministry Partnership is based on the four shared principles of (1) Effective Development: (2) Co-operation, (3) Poverty eradication and (4) Mindset change.
We are Minding much about your Collaborational and Partnership for support in the Establishment of Community Health Empowerment School/ Institute to help communities strive and bridge gaps in innovation and taping into new knowledge for Skills Development in Kanungu District. This vision is my strategy to revive Social Economic Development and Improve social status of the Vulnerable families.
With Africa Vartual Btidging School (AVBS) Program Identification with Community Health Empowerment Ministry-Diocese, these core foundational and distinctive areas should support Poverty and hunger Eradication, Education as a major focus hence creating improving the quality of life of all the people and create employment opportunities to tap for future Generations.
Below is the blue link for the Pictorial development for CHE. I have been struggling to help different groups of people in various villages. These are different achievements for different Community Health Empowerment groups in the Link here
Property activities accomplished.
May God bless our Partnerships and Collaborations
Blessings to you
Yours faithfully,
Rev. Godfrey Byamukama
Community Developer,
Missions and Evangelism Coordinator
Very energetic post, I loved that bit. Will there be a part 2?